Sunday, January 25, 2015

True Believers

[Name], in a previous email to me you mentioned trying to decide between material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. Neither of these are the correct choice. The real choice is about authority. The choice is between self and God. In the beginning God gave Adam a choice. Do not eat the fruit and live or if you choose your will and eat the fruit then you will die. We know what choice Adam made because death is occurring all around us all the time.

We have a similar choice to make today at the fork in the pathway. Will we choose God and submit to his authority and live or will we choose to live the way we want according to our will and experience eternal death? The fork in the road is about surrender and submission and there we find life and freedom plus so much more it will take many lessons to elaborate. From over 60 years of walking with the Lord I can testify that God has our best interest at heart. He has taken me through some very difficult times preparing me for some opportunities I never dreamed I would experience. Teaching Bible in China was way beyond anything I could imagine. And who would believe I would live with a Chinese family over a four year period. God sure gave meaning and value to my life and to think I will be able to enjoy him and his kindness forever. I believe that is worth dying for as many in the world are now doing.

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