Friday, January 23, 2015

Approaching the Pathway Fork

Every person born on earth enters the main pathway some distance before they come to the fork. As one travels along the path each person’s future is determined by what is learned and experienced along the way. During this travel time most people are absorbed with themselves and their relationship to the world around them. They press forward, living one day at a time, passing through the wide gate with little interest in the narrow gate. For others something seems to stir deep within them along the way, like a mother who becomes pregnant. At first she doesn’t know she is but there is a growing sense that inside her something is different. It seems that everyone who eventually believes has this experience that continues to grow and requires more and more consideration. It appears like a person becomes spiritually pregnant along the way and is given the opportunity to taste of the heavenly gift of life God has for them. If these people continue on to the fork in the pathway something powerfully happens to cause some to turn down the narrow path even if it means almost certain physical death or some other great cost. Maybe it is possible for some to have tasted the heavenly gift and turn down the wide path to destruction. Once passage through the wide gate occurs there is no turning back because the path, like the narrow path, is one way. It is either on to destruction apart from God or on to life with God.

This was my experience. This interest and struggle inside over spiritual things continued to the point where I realized the sinful person I was in the sight of God and desired to accept the gift of life. That was truly a transforming experience for me and changed my whole direction of life, preparing me to invest time in Bible teaching both here and in Asia. Once I passed through the narrow gate life took on a very different meaning and how I dealt with problems in life. Where do you think you are on the pathway of life I have described? Why do you think that?

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