Monday, March 20, 2017

The End of a Great Study (John 21:24-25)

Lesson #342

On February 22, 2015, we started this study and now over two years later we are looking at lesson #342, the last lesson. We have two verses to cover to close this study: “This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true” (John 21:24 ESV). It is understood that “the disciple who is bearing witness about these things” is John. He is the disciple who Jesus loved (John 21:7) and is a firsthand witness of the ministry of Jesus. The things he saw Jesus do and say, he has written them down for us to learn from. He and others who were with him declare that these things are true.

In addition to the things John wrote about “. . . there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (John 21:25 ESV). As the Son of God, Jesus has always existed and has done many things. The sum total of all things done by an infinite being would, if written down, fill a very large space.

We have come to the end of our study, but just a few more words about what is next. I have not taken this task of deciding lightly. I knew it would have to be another verse by verse study of a book of the bible, but which book? There are so many good choices. As I looked at various possibilities I kept thinking about a gospel harmonization. A search of the Internet for source material produced several ideas, but the one that stood out for what I wanted to accomplish was the work done by Jerry Peyton and copyrighted in 2015 by Jerry Peyton and Biblical Studies Press L.L.C. Follow this link to review “The NET Bible Synthetic Harmony of the Gospels - Study Edition”. I am carefully reading through his materials and to be sure I understand his results I am developing a parallel version of his work using the ESV translation. This work is for my own personal use in establishing the background I feel I need. The order of verses selected for our Bible studies comes from his work found at the link above. You may follow his work to see where the order of verses is coming from. I will say more about this at the beginning of our study, titled, “Gospel Harmonization Bible Studies.” These studies can be found at, starting Wednesday, March 22, 2017.

At that website you will find many lessons from our study of John there. As time permits, the entire study will be duplicated there. I have noticed that many of you have already started coming to the new website.


Father, this has been an exciting adventure to look at each verse in the Gospel of John and write something about it; nearly 210 thousand words it total. I have learned much from this study and seen my life change as a result. Father, I look forward with great anticipation to our next study. I pray for the health and strength to endure the many years it will take us to complete that study. 

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