Lesson #340
In the previous lesson the question of how much Peter loved
Jesus was looked at with the application to us and our love for Jesus. That
love was then related to obedience when Jesus gave Peter, and thus us, three
commands: “Feed my lambs.”, Tend my sheep.” and Feed my sheep.” Before Peter
denied Jesus he boasted that he would die before he would do that, but we know
that didn’t happen. We will learn in this lesson that Peter will have another
chance to make that boast good.
Jesus continues his conversation with Peter and says: “Truly,
truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk
wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and
another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” (John 21:18
ESV). Jesus now compares the younger years of Peter to his older. When he was
young he had freedom to go and to do what he pleased, but when he is older that
will not be true. As an example, Peter chose to go fishing, with the other six
disciples joining him, and when at the request of Jesus, they put down their
nets and made a great catch. Peter girds himself, gets out of the boat and pulls
the catch up to the shore.
Later in life, Peter will not have this freedom. In his
obedience to feed and tend the flock and in going to make disciples, he will
face persecution and will eventually have to stretch forth his arms and be
bound to a cross and be forced to carry it to a place where you do not want to
go. Earlier in life Peter had the freedom to choose whether he would deny or
not deny Jesus and he chose to deny. When older and indwelt by the Holy Spirit,
he would be compelled, out of his love for Jesus, to face death before he would
deny Jesus again. My observation of my brothers and sisters who live under
persecution for their faith, face the same choice and some like Peter, when he
was younger, and not mature enough in their faith, deny the Lord, while many
others are willing to suffer and even die for their faith. Most believers in
the west, who do not face persecution, do not understand the importance of
preparing for this possible choice to happen to them later in life. My time
serving in China and from what I have learned from VOM, I have come to
understand the importance of being ready to stand for my faith.
“(This he said to show by what kind of death he was to
glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, “Follow me.”” (John 21:19
ESV). From this statement, and the verse before it, we know that Peter would
suffer a violent death and that his death would bring glory to God. It is
believed that Peter was crucified upside down about 34 years later. This should
be an encouragement to those who deny Jesus, like Peter did, that they can be
forgiven and enter back into service and possible have other chances to stand
in their faith with the Lord.
Father, in many counties, many face suffering and even death
for their walk with Jesus. We in the west do not as yet face such persecution.
We do not face the possibility of actual crucifixion, but we do have the opportunity
to take up our cross daily. How well we live out Galatians
2:20, may well indicate how well we might do when facing real persecution.
Father, we have much to learn about our walk with the Lord and how much we are
willing to suffer for our faith.
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